Link to Decision SummarizedEmergency Backup Power Plant – FacilitiesApplicationAmazon Data Services Canada Inc. (“ADS”) applied to construct and operate an emergency backup power generation system consisting of 11 diesel-powered generating units with a total...
Search Results
These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.
ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. Franchise Agreement with Red Deer County for the Hamlet of Springbrook, AUC Decision 28058-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedMunicipal Franchise Agreement – FacilitiesApplicationATCO Gas and Pipelines (“ATCO Gas”) applied for approval of a franchise agreement with the Red Deer Municipality (“the Municipality”) to provide natural gas utility services and associated...
Hilda Wind G.P. Inc. Application for an Order Permitting the Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the Hilda Wind Power Plant, AUC Decision 28019-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation – MarketsApplicationHilda Wind G.P. Inc. (“Hilda Wind”) filed an application under the Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation (“FEOCR”), seeking permission to share records not available to the public related to the...
AESO Approval of Proposed New Section 201.10 of the ISO Rules, New Alberta Reliability Standards, and Retirement of Existing Alberta Reliability Standards, AUC Decision 27990-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RulesApplicationAs required by s 19(4)(b) of the Transmission Regulation, the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) forwarded a recommendation to the AUC to approve the following changes to the Alberta Reliability...
Direct Energy Regulated Services 2023-2025 Energy Price Setting Plan Compliance Filing, AUC Decision 27950-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedCompliance Filing - RatesApplicationIn its confidential Decision 27562-D01-2022, the AUC did not approve the 2023-2025 Energy Price Setting Plan (“EPSP”) as applied for by Direct Energy Regulated Services (“DERS”). In that decision, the AUC...
FortisAlberta Inc. Compliance Filing Pursuant to Decision 27067-D01-2022, AUC Decision 27682-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedCompliance Filing - RatesApplicationThe application was FortisAlberta Inc. (“Fortis”)’s compliance filing in response to the AUC’s directions in Decision 27067-D01-2022. In its filing, Fortis revised section 7.2.3 of its Customer Terms and...
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. Decision on Preliminary Question Application for Review of Decision 27653-D01-2022 2023, AUC Decision 27922-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedReview and Variance - RatesApplicationEPCOR Distribution and Transmission Inc. (“EDTI”) applied to the AUC for review and variance of Decision 27653-D01-2022 regarding EDTI’s 2023 Cost-of-Service Compliance Filing and 2023 Distribution Rates...
Balancing Pool Application for an Order Permitting the Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the Drumheller Solar and Battery Storage Project, AUC Decision 27937-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation – Sharing of RecordsApplicationThe Balancing Pool filed an application on behalf of Concord Drumheller GP under the Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation (“FEOCR”) seeking permission to share records not available...
Balancing Pool Application for an Order Permitting the Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the Stavely Solar Project, AUC Decision 27934-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation – Sharing of RecordsApplicationThe Balancing Pool filed an application on behalf of Concord Stavely GP2 Ltd. under the Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation (“FEOCR”), seeking permission to share records not...
Pathfinder Energy Ltd. Rocky 5 Bitcoin Mining Power Plant, AUC Decision 27673-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - FacilitiesApplicationPathfinder Energy Ltd. (“Pathfinder”), previously named Nexus Energy Associates Ltd., applied to the AUC for permission to construct and operate the 60-megawatt (“MW”) natural gas-fired Rocky 5 Bitcoin...
ENMAX Power Corporation Northwest Calgary Transmission Line Relocation Project, AUC Decision 27474-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - FacilitiesApplicationENMAX Power Corporation (“EPC”) applied for permission to rebuild, relocate and realign the existing 69-kilovolt Transmission Line 69-16.61L (the “Transmission Line”) from No. 16 Substation to No. 27...
Enforcement Staff of the AUC Settlement Agreement with the City of Grand Prairie, AUC Decision 27391-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedMarkets - EnforcementApplicationThe AUC Enforcement Staff requested approval of a settlement agreement with the City of Grand Prairie (“Grand Prairie”) related to the operation of a power plant without the required approval. The power plant...
ARC Resources Ltd. Kakwa Super Pad Thermal Power Plant, AUC Decision 27780-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedThermal Power - FacilitiesApplicationARC Resources Ltd. (“ARC”) operates a Gas Multi-well Effluent Measurement Battery (the “Kakwa Super Pad”) 89 kilometres south of Grande Prairie. ARC applied for approval to construct and operate a...
City of Grand Prairie Decision on Application for Review and Variance of Decision 27276-D02-2022 City of Grande Prairie Eastlink Centre Power Plant, AUC Decision 27841-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedReview and Variance - FacilitiesApplicationThe City of Grand Prairie (“Grand Prairie”) applied for review and variance of Decision 27276-D02-2022 (the “Decision”). In the Decision, the AUC approved a power plant designated as the Eastlink...
ATCO Electric Ltd. Big Sky Transmission Project, AUC Decision 27852-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - FacilitiesApplicationBig Sky Solar GP Inc. (“Big Sky Solar”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Renewable Energy Systems Canada Inc., has approval to construct and operate the 140-megawatt (“MW”) Big Sky Solar Power Plant and...
ENMAX Energy Corporation 2023 Non-Energy Regulated Rate Option Interim Tariff, AUC Decision 27714-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RatesApplicationENMAX Energy Corporation (“EEC”) requested approval of 2023 administration charges on an interim refundable basis, to be implemented effective January 1, 2023, as part of its 2022-2024 non-energy regulated rate...
Direct Energy Regulated Services 2023-2025 Energy Price Setting Plan, AUC Decision 27562-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RatesApplicationDirect Energy Regulated Services (“DERS”) applied for approval of its 2023-2025 energy price setting plan (“EPSP”). DERS is a regulated rate option (“RRO”) provider and performs the electricity-regulated rate...
Alberta Electric System Operator 2023 Independent System Operator Tariff Update, AUC Decision 27777-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RatesApplicationThe Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) requested approval of:(a) updated 2023 rate calculations; and(b) proposed 2023 independent system operator (“ISO”)...
Direct Energy Regulated Services 2023 Interim Default Rate Tariff and Regulated Rate Tariff, AUC Decision 27868-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedGas - RatesApplicationDirect Energy Regulated Services (“DERS”) applied for approval of interim rates, effective January 1, 2023, including:(a) Default Rate Tariff (“DRT”) and Regulated Rate Tariff (“RRT”) rate...
ENMAX Power Corporation 2023 Cost-of-Service Compliance Filing and 2023 Distribution Rates, AUC Decision 27651-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedGas - RatesApplicationENMAX Power Corporation (“EPC”) made filings in compliance with Decision 26617-D02-2022 and its resulting 2023 distribution rates. The AUC considered EPS’s 2023 rebasing by way of a negotiated settlement agreement...
ATCO Electric Ltd. 2023 Interim Transmission Facility Owner Tariff, AUC Decision 27835-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RatesApplicationATCO Electric Ltd. (“AE”) applied to the AUC for approval of a 2023 transmission facility owner tariff (“TFO”) on an interim refundable basis.DecisionThe AUC approved the request from AE for a 2023 interim...
FortisAlberta Inc. 2023 Cost-of-Service Compliance Filing and 2023 Rates, AUC Decision 27671-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedGas - RatesApplicationThe AUC approved FortisAlberta Inc.’s (“FortisAB”) 2023 rebasing in Decision 26615-D01-2022. In addition to reviewing the 2023 forecast revenue requirement, that decision also included consideration of the efficiencies...
Solar Krafte Utilities Inc. Vauxhall Solar Farm, AUC Decision 27077-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedSolar Power - FacilitiesApplicationSolar Krafte Utilities Inc. (“Solar Krafte”) applied for approvals to construct and operate a 60-megawatt (“MW”) Vauxhall Solar Power Plant and associated Solstice 549S Substation (collectively, the...
Apex Utilities Inc. 2023 Cost-of-Service Compliance Filing and 2023 Rates, AUC Decision 27685-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedGas - RatesApplicationIn this decision, the AUC considered whether Apex Utilities Inc. (“AUI”) complied with AUC directions made in AUC Decision 26616-D01-20221 regarding AUI’s Cost-of-Service (“COS”) review (“COS Review Decision”) and...
Enforcement Staff of the AUC Settlement Agreement with the Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate – Enforcement and Administrative Penalty, AUC Decision 27705-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedAUC Enforcement - Confidentiality OrderApplicationAUC Enforcement staff applied to the AUC for approval of a settlement agreement reached between the Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate (“UCA”) and the AUC Enforcement staff. In the...
EPCOR Energy Alberta GP Inc. 2023 Interim Regulated Rate Tariff Application, AUC Decision 27773-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RatesApplicationEPCOR Energy Alberta GP Inc. (“EEA”) applied for approval of interim 2023 rates applicable to the non-energy regulated rates tariff (“RRT”).DecisionThe AUC approved EEA’s 2023 interim RRT non-energy rates,...
ATCO Electric Ltd. 2023 Cost-of-Service Compliance Filing and 2023 Rates, AUC Decision 27672-D01-2022 and 27672-D02-2022
Links to Decisions Summarized: 27672-D01-2022 and 27672-D02-2022Electricity - RatesApplicationIn Decision 27672-D01-2022 (“Decision 1”), the AUC directed ATCO Electric Ltd. (“AE”) to make certain adjustments to its 2023 revenue requirement, 2023 rates, options, riders...
NU-E Corp. Lethbridge 1 Solar Project Checklist Application, AUC Decision 27721-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedSolar Power - FacilitiesApplicationNU-E Corp (“NU-E”) filed a checklist application with the AUC to construct and operate the 8.75-megawatt (“MW”) Lethbridge 1 Solar Project (the “Power Plant”) on 40 acres of private, cultivated land in the...
Balancing Pool Application for an Order Permitting the Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the Chappice Lake Solar Project, AUC Decision 27774-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation - MarketsApplicationThe Balancing Pool (“BP”) filed an application for the preferential sharing of records that are not available to the public relating to the 13.9-megawatt Chappice Lake Solar Project between the Balancing...
FortisAlberta Inc. Application to Amend the Terms and Conditions of Electric Distribution Service Pursuant to Decision 27202-D01-2022, AUC Decision 27560-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedTerms and Conditions - Transfer of ServiceApplicationFortisAlberta Inc. (“FortisAB”) applied for approval of changes to its terms and conditions of electrical distribution service (“T&Cs”). FortisAB proposed the changes in response to...
ENMAX Power Corporation Application to Address Noise Complaint at ENMAX No. 28 Substation, AUC Decision 27444-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedFacilities - ComplianceApplicationA resident close to the ENMAX Power Corporation (“EPC”), No. 28 Substation (the “Substation”) filed a noise complaint. In response to the noise complaint and an investigation by AUC enforcement staff, EPC...
Enerfin Energy Company of Canada Inc. and AltaLink Management Ltd. Winnifred Power Plant Connection Project, AUC Decision 26707-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - FacilitiesApplicationEnerfin Energy Corporation of Canada Inc. (“Enerfin”) has permission to construct and operate the 122.32-megawatt (“MW”) Winnifred Wind Power Plant (the “Power Plant”) and the associated Hoslom 1054S...
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Facility Owner Tariff, AUC Decision 27696-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RatesApplicationEPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (“EDTI”) applied for approval of its 2023 interim transmission facility owner (“TFO”) tariff. EDTI calculated its 2023 interim tariff as the sum of its approved 2022...
ENMAX Power Corporation 2023 Interim Transmission Facility Owner Tariff, AUC Decision 27727-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedRates - ElectricityApplicationENMAX Power Corporation (“EPC”) applied to the AUC for approval of its 2023 interim transmission facility owner (“TFO”) tariff. EPC applied for approval on an interim refundable basis until the AUC approved and...
Direct Energy Regulated Services Request for Enforcement of Rule 004 on the ATCO Utilities, AUC Decision 27657-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - MarketsApplicationDirect Energy Regulated Services (“DERS”) filed an application requesting that the AUC enforce Rule 004: Alberta Tariff Billing Code Rules (“Rule 004”) on ATCO Electric Ltd. (distribution) and ATCO Gas (the...
Alberta Electric System Operator Bulk, Regional and Modernized Demand Opportunity Service Rate Design Application, AUC Decision 26911-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedRates - ElectricityApplicationThe Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) applied for approval of a new bulk and regional rate design (the “Proposed Rate Design”).In the AESO’s view, the current rate design does not recognize that an...
City of Grand Prairie Eastlink Centre Power Plant, AUC Decision 27276-D02-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedFacilities - NoiseApplicationThe City of Grande Prairie (“Grand Prairie”) applied to the AUC for permission to operate the existing 666-kilowatt Eastlink Centre Power Plant (the “Power Plant”) located at the Eastlink Centre recreational...
TA Alberta Hydro Inc. WaterCharger Battery Storage Facility, AUC Decision 27109-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - Battery Storage FacilityApplicationTA Alberta Hydro Inc. (“TA Hydro”) applied for permission to construct and operate the 180-megawatt (“MW”) WaterCharger Battery Storage Facility (the “Project”). The Project will be located 15...
The City of Calgary Application for Review of Ruling on Confidentiality in Proceeding 26615, AUC Decision 27403-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedReview and VarianceApplicationThe City of Calgary (“Calgary”) filed an application requesting review and variance (“R&V”) of specific findings made by the AUC in an interlocutory decision on confidentiality in Proceeding 26615 (the...
Alberta Electric System Operator 2023 Balancing Pool Consumer Allocation Rider F Application, AUC Decision 27694-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RatesApplicationThe Balancing Pool is a corporation established by s. 75 of the Electric Utilities Act (“EUA”). Under s. 82 of the EUA the Balancing Pool must prepare a budget for each fiscal year setting out its estimated...
Alberta Electrical System Operator, RES Forty Mile Wind GP Corp. and AltaLink Management Ltd. Forty Mile Wind Power Plant Connection Applications, AUC Decision 27492-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedWind Power - FacilitiesApplicationsIn Decision 26910-D01-2021, the AUC approved the construction and operation of the Forty Mile Wind Power Project and the Forty Mile 516S Substation.Building a new transmission facility in Alberta requires...
Alberta Electric System Operator Approval of Proposed Amended Sections 202.6, 306.5 and 306.7 of the ISO Rules, AUC Decision 27604-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RulesApplicationThe Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) applied to the AUC for approval of amendments to the following Independent System Operator (“ISO”) rules:s. 202.6, Adequacy of Supply;s. 306.5, Generation Outage...
DND Consultants eStruxture Data Centers, CAL-2 Data Center Facility, Four (4) Backup Diesel Generators, Thermal Power Plant Application, AUC Decision 27614-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedPower Plant – Diesel GeneratorsApplicationeStruxture Data Centers (“eStruxture”) filed an application with the AUC for approval to construct and operate a 12-megawatt diesel power plant, designated as the CAL-2 power plant (“the Power...
DND Consultants eStruxture Data Centers, Upgrading Existing Data Center Facility and Addition of One Generator, Thermal Power Plant Application, AUC Decision 27603-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedPower Plant – Diesel GeneratorsApplicationeStruxture Data Centers (“eStruxture”) applied for approval to expand the CAL-1 power plant (the “Power Plant”) by adding one 3-megawatt (“MW”) standby diesel generator. eStruxture is the owner and...
Cascade Power GP Ltd. Application for an Order Permitting the Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the Cascade Power Plant, AUC Decision 27629-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation – Sharing of RecordsApplicationCascade Power GP Ltd (“Cascade Power”) filed an application under the Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation (“FEOCR”), seeking permission to share records not available to the public,...
Stakeholder Consultation Regarding the Standards of Service for New Home Connections and Associated Maximum Investment Levels for 2023-2028 – Update, AUC Bulletin 2022-11
Link to Bulletin SummarizedConsultation - Standards of ServiceThe AUC will initiate an AUC proceeding for formal examination of new home connections and associated cost responsibilities of the distribution utilities for 2024, given the information gathered in the...
ATCO Power (2010) Ltd. Empress Solar Power Plant Amendment, AUC Decision 27572-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedSolar - FacilitiesApplicationATCO Power (2010) Ltd (“ATCO Power”) has approval to construct and operate a power plant, which contains up to 115,492 bi-facial solar photovoltaic panels mounted on a single-axis tracking system, and nine...
BTG Power Corp. Approval Transfers for Power Plants Near Nevis and Lacombe, AUC Decision 27573-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedApproval TransferApplicationBTG Power Corp. (“BTG”) and Horseshoe Power GP Ltd. (“Horseshoe”) filed applications with the AUC to transfer the approvals related to two power plants located near Nevis and Lacombe from Horseshoe to BTG....
ATCO Gas Apex Utilities Inc 2023 Cost-of-Service Review, AUC Decision 26616-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity – Gas - RatesApplicationsThis decision deals with the 2023 cost-of-service (“COS”) applications from two natural gas distribution facility owners (“DFOs”), ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. (“ATCO Gas”) and Apex Utilities Inc....
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. Fibre Optic Cable FO-132, AUC Decision 27472-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedFibre Optic Telecommunications CableApplicationEPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (“EDTI”) applied for approval to construct and operate an approximately 4.4-kilometer fibre optic cable, designated as FO-132, between the Rossdale and...