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These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.

ENMAX Power Corporation – 2018-2020 General Tariff Application Negotiated Settlement Agreement and Excluded Matters, AUC Decision 23966-D01-2020

The AUC accepted EPC’s negotiated settlement agreement. Of the six issues excluded from the negotiated settlement agreement, the AUC denied EPC’s proposed new flow-through deferral account and Remington Project deferral account and changes to its existing major storms and natural disasters deferral account. The AUC affirmed its earlier ruling that all matters regarding Substation No. 1 are to be removed from the revenue requirement for this GTA. The AUC did not approve EPC’s proposed treatment for capital leases, but approved its proposed treatment of intercompany interest revenue. Finally, the AUC provided guidance with respect to the application of EPC’s capitalization policy through its accounting practices, and confirmed that only assets that are used and required to be used are to be capitalized into rate base.