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Utility Payment Deferral Program: Application for Deferral Account Approval – AltaGas Utilities Inc., AUC Decision 25574-D01-2020

Link to Decision Summarized

Rates – Deferral Program

Please see the summary Utility Payment Deferral Program: Various Applications for Funding Approval for the background of this application.


On May 20, 2020, AltaGas Utilities Inc., a gas service provider as defined in Subsection 12(1)(c) of the UPDP Act, filed an application pursuant to the UPDP Act, requesting the following:

Approval to establish a default supply provider deferral account for the purposes of administration of deferred bill payments normally due during the period from March 18, 2020 to June 18, 2020 (deferral period).

On May 20, 2020, AltaGas Utilities Inc., a gas distributor as defined in Subsection12(2)(d) of the UPDP Act, filed an application pursuant to the UPDP Act, requesting the following:

Approval to establish a gas distributor deferral account pursuant to Subsection 17(3) to administer the deferral of payments for gas services or transmission charges normally due during the deferral period.

AUC Findings

Pursuant to Section 14 of the UPDP Act, an eligible gas customer may enroll in a bill payment deferral program with their gas service provider. The AUC found that AltaGas Utilities Inc. is a gas service provider with eligible gas customers enrolled in the Utility Payment Deferral Program.

Pursuant to Subsection 17(1) of the UPDP Act, a default supply provider may request approval from the AUC to establish a deferral account for the administration of the deferred payments of billing amounts charged in respect of gas on an enrolled gas customer’s bill that are not in respect of deferred payment of gas transmission charges. The AUC found that AltaGas Utilities Inc. is a default supply provider under the Gas Utilities Act and approved the establishment of a deferral account for the administration of the deferred payments under the UPDP Act.

Pursuant to Subsection 17(3) of the UPDP Act, a gas distributor may request approval from the AUC to establish a deferral account for the administration of the deferral of payments for gas services or transmission charges normally due in the deferral period. The AUC found that AltaGas Utilities Inc. is a gas distributor under the Gas Utilities Act and approved the establishment of a deferral account for the administration of the deferred payments for gas services or transmission charges normally due during the deferral period.

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