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Regulatory Insights

RLC remains at the forefront of new developments in Canada’s energy sector to ensure we can act effectively on behalf of our clients and their interests.

These articles cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), and the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archives below. 

Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC Trans Mountain Expansion Project Application Pursuant to Subsection 69(1) of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act Mountain 3 Horizontal Directional Drill Variance Application, CER Reasons for Decision

Link to Decision Summarized Oil and Gas - Facilities Application Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (“Trans Mountain”) filed an application requesting a variance of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity OC-065 (the “Certificate”). The variance involved a change to...

Second 2015 Orphan Fund Levy (Bulletin 2015-24)

Download ReportBulletin – Orphan Fund Levy The AER announced the collection of the second orphan levy of $15 million to fully fund the Orphan Well Association’s approved budget of $30 million. The...

Energy Regulatory Report