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Future Energy Park Inc. Future Energy Park Power Plant, Industrial System Designation and Interconnection, AUC Decision 28154-D01-2023

Link to Decision Summarized

Facilities – Industrial System Designation


Future Energy Park Inc (“FEP”) applied for approval to construct and operate a 30-megawatt (“MW”) congregation power plant (the “Power Plant”) at its proposed Future Energy Park biofuels facility. FEP also requested approval to connect the Power Plant to the ENMAX Power Corporation Distribution network, and for an industrial system designation for the electric facilities at the biofuels facility.


The AUC approved the applications from FEP.

Pertinent Issues

Cogeneration Power Plant

The AUC was satisfied that the information requirements specified in Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines were met.

The AUC found that FEP’s participant involvement program satisfied the requirements of Rule 007. The AUC also found that the noise impact assessment submitted by FEP met the requirements of Rule 012: Noise Control.

The AUC was satisfied that the air quality assessment submitted by FEP demonstrated that the project will comply with the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines.

The AUC held that the FEP’s environmental evaluation addressed the environmental information requirements of Rule 007 and that the residual environmental effects of the project will not be significant; any potential adverse effects on the environment can be effectively mitigated in accordance with FEP’s environmental protection plan.

Based on the foregoing, the AUC concluded that the project is in the public interest in accordance with s 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.

Interconnection to the ENMAX Distribution System

The AUC approved the interconnection application but found that FEP did not provide sufficient evidence that confirmed ENMAX has agreed to connect the Power Plant. Consequently, the AUC imposed a condition of approval requiring FEP to provide confirmation from ENMAX indicating its agreement to connect the Power Plant to the ENMAX distribution system.

Industrial System Designation

After reviewing the principles and criteria contained in s 4 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act (“HEEA”) regarding industrial system designation (“ISD”), the AUC found that granting an ISD is consistent with the principles and criteria set out in S 4 of the HEEA.

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