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These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.

AER Issues Environmental Protection Order to ConocoPhillips

The AER announced that it had issued an environmental protection order (“EPO”) under section 113 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and section 29 of the Pipeline Act to ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd. (“Conoco”). The EPO was issued in response to a pipeline failure on one of Conoco’s condensate pipelines, located between 01-36-060-03-W6M and 14-07-060-02-W6M. The AER noted that the pipeline failure resulted in the release of approximately 380 cubic meters of condensate approximately 65 kilometers northwest of Grande Cache, Alberta.

Bulletin 2017-04 re First 2017/18 Orphan Fund Levy

In this Bulletin, the AER announced that it is prescribing an orphan fund levy in the amount of $15 million.The Orphan Well Association (“OWA”), Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (“CAPP”), and Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (“EPAC”) approved a...

Bulletin 2016-15: 2016 AER Administration Fees (Industry Levy)

Download ReportLevy – Industry Fees – Bulletin The AER announced its industry levy in the amount of $238,403,000 for 2016-2017. The industry levy represents the revenue required to support AER operations, as approved by the Government of Alberta, and set out in the...

Bulletin 2016-13: Fort McMurray Wildfires – Resuming Operations

Download ReportEmergency Protocol – Bulletin The AER announced that it was advising operators planning to resume operations in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo after unplanned shutdowns, that all notification requirements for unplanned shutdowns remain in...

Energy Safety and Security Act Entered Into Force

Legislation – AmendmentThe Energy Safety and Security Act (“ESSA”) came into force on February 26, 2016. The ESSA amends the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act (“COGOA”) to provide the NEB with new tools to regulate northern oil and gas activities. The NEB provided the...

Changes to NEB electronic filing system

Download ReportAnnouncement - Electronic Filing System The NEB announced that, effective October 21, 2015, the NEB’s electronic filing system will be changed to automate the exhibit numbering process when filing documents.