The AUC found that the proposed province-wide Rider T rates would provide lower costs for northern Alberta users than if Rider T was calculated separately. The AUC also made note that this was the third year in which a province wide Rider T was applied, and also the third year in which southern service area customers have subsidized the costs of northern service area customers. The AUC further noted that the level of cross-subsidization has increased with each subsequent year.
Search Results
These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.
AltaGas Utilities Inc. Rule 004 Exemption Compliance Filing (AUC Decision 21211-D01-2016)
The AUC approved AltaGas’ revised compliance plan as filed, to be effective on December 31, 2018, the same date that the exemptions expire.
AltaGas Holdings Inc. Time Extension to Power Plant Approval 3547-D02-2015 (AUC Decision 21307-D01-2016)
The AUC held that AltaGas has provided information on the need and duration for the extension and approved AltaGas’ request as filed.
Kitsault Energy Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export Natural Gas as as Liquefied Natural Gas (NEB Reasons for Decision)
The NEB granted the Export Licence to Kitsault as applied for, in addition to relieving Kitsault of filing information requirements for gas export licence applications set out in Section 12 of the National Energy Board Act Part VI (Oil and Gas Regulations).
AltaGas Utilities Inc. 2014 Capital Tracker True-Up and 2016-2017 Capital Tracker Forecast Application (AUC Decision 20522-D02-2016)
The AUC directed AltaGas to file a compliance filing reflecting the AUC’s directions by February 29, 2016.
NewTimes Energy Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas (NEB Reasons for Decision)
The NEB granted the Export Licence to NewTimes consistent with the determinations set out in this decision.
AltaGas DCLNG General Partner Inc., on behalf of AltaGas DCLNG Lease Limited Partnership Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas Reasons for Decision
The NEB granted the Export Licence to AltaGas DCLNG as applied for.
AltaGas Utilities Inc. Rule 028 Natural Gas Settlement System Code Exemption Extension (Decision 20885-D01-2016)
Download ReportExemption Extension – Rule 028 – Rule 002 AltaGas Utilities Inc. (“AltaGas”) applied to the AUC for approval of an extension to its exemption from sections 2.11, and of Rule 028: Natural Gas Settlement System Code Rules (“Rule 028”),...
Canada Stewart Energy Group Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas Reasons for Decision
The NEB issued a 25-year licence to Canada Stewart, subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, to export natural gas under the terms and conditions of the approval.
LNG Canada Development Inc. Application for a 40-Year Licence to Export Natural Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas – Reasons for Decision
NEB approved the application and issued an 40-year liquified natural gas export licence to LNG Canada.
AltaGas Utilities Inc. 2016 Annual Performance-Based Regulation Rate Adjustment Filing (Decision 20823-D01-2015)
The AUC ordered that the distribution rates and special charges contained in Appendix 4 and Appendix 5 of this decision be approved on an interim basis effective January 1, 2016.
AltaGas Utilities Inc. Rule 004 Alberta Tariff Billing Code Exemption (Decision 20428-D01-2015)
AltaGas Utilities Inc. (“AltaGas”) requested exemptions from certain requirements of Rule 004: Alberta Tariff Billing Code (“Rule 004”), which defines the business processes and mechanics of how bill-ready information is to be produced and transmitted to retailers by electricity and natural gas distributors in Alberta.
Cedar 1 LNG Export Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export Natural Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas
As part of the conditions of the Licence, the NEB approved a 15 percent annual tolerance, noting that the maximum term quantity of the Licence is inclusive of the 15 percent tolerance amount. The NEB also accepted the request for a sunset clause of 10 years in length, noting it to be generally consistent with NEB practice.
AltaGas Utilities Inc. 2015-2016 Unaccounted-for Gas Rate Rider E and Rate Rider H (Decision 20806-D01-2015)
The AUC approved the proposed decreases to Rider E UFG volumes to 1.31 percent, and Rider H UFG volumes to 1.31 percent, effective December 1, 2015.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2014 Annual Transmission Access Charge Deferral Account True-up (Decision 20719-D01-2015)
Download ReportDeferral Account True-up EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (“EPCOR”) applied to the AUC for approval of its 2014 transmission access charge deferral accounts (“TACDA”) true-up, which it proposed to collect through Rider J. Each electric...
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2014 Annual Transmission Access Charge Deferral Account True-up (Decision 20719-D01-2015)
Download ReportDeferral Account True-up EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (“EPCOR”) applied to the AUC for approval of its 2014 transmission access charge deferral accounts (“TACDA”) true-up, which it proposed to collect through Rider J. Each electric...
Direct Energy Regulated Services Application for a Single Gas Cost Flow-through Rate (Decision 20363-D01-2015)
The AUC approved DERS’ application as filed.
Pembina NGL Corporation and Pembina Resource Services Canada and Pembina Infrastructure and Logistics LP Application for a Licence to Export Propane
The NEB granted the export licence to Pembina as applied for.
Stolt LNGaz Inc. Licence to Export Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas
The NEB found that Stolt’s LNG export assumptions, whereby not all LNG volumes for export would materialize, was reasonable.
ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. 2015-2016 Rider D Application (Decision 20737-D01-2015)
The AUC approved ATCO Gas’ requested Rider D at 1.220 percent, effective November 1, 2015.
Steelhead LNG (A-E) Inc. Applications for Licence to Export Natural Gas, in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas
Download ReportLicence to Export LNG Steelhead LNG (A) Inc., Steelhead LNG (B) Inc., Steelhead LNG (C) Inc., Steelhead LNG (D) Inc., Steelhead LNG (E) Inc. (collectively “Steelhead”) each applied to the NEB pursuant to section 117 of the National Energy Board Act...
ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. v Alberta (Utilities Commission), 2015 SCC 45
In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) dismissed the appeal of ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. and ATCO Electric Ltd. (collectively, “ATCO”) in respect of AUC Decision 2011-391. AUC Decision 2011-391 denied ATCO’s request to recover 100 percent of the annual consumer price index (“CPI”) cost of living adjustment (“COLA”) amounts as part of its pension costs for 2012 (the “AUC Decision”).
Saint John LNG Development Company Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export and Import Natural Gas
The NEB issued the Export Licence and the Import Licence to Saint John as requested, subject to approval of the Governor in Council, having found that the quantity of gas to be exported by Saint John would be surplus to Canadian needs.
GNL Québec Inc. Application for a Licence to Export Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas
The NEB issued the Export Licence to GNL Québec as requested, subject to approval of the Governor in Council, finding that the quantity of gas to be exported by GNL Québec would be surplus to Canadian needs.
ATCO Gas 2013 PBR Capital Tracker Refiling and True-up and 2014-2015 PBR Capital Tracker Forecast Compliance Application (Decision 20385-D01-2015)
The AUC ordered ATCO Gas to refund $9,398,000 to its ratepayers in the North and South service territories through Rider S from September 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.
ATCO Gas South 2015 Weather Deferral Account Rider “W” Application (Decision 20466-D01-2015)
The AUC approved ATCO Gas’ south WDA Rider W for implementation from September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016.
Bear Head LNG Corporation Application for a Licence to Export and Import Natural Gas; Pieridae Energy (Canada) Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export and Import Natural Gas
The NEB issued the Export Licences and the Import Licences to Bear Head and Pieridae as requested, subject to approval of the Governor in Council, having found that the quantity of gas to be exported by Bear Head and Pieridae would be surplus to Canadian needs.
TransCanada PipeLines Limited King’s North Connection Pipeline Project (Reasons for Decision GHW-001-2014)
The NEB issued Order XG-T211-027-2015 and the associated conditions to approve the Project. The NEB also granted TransCanada’s request for exemptions from Section 30(1)(a) and 31 of the National Energy Board Act.
Orca LNG Ltd. Application, dated 4 September 2014, for a Licence to Export Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas (July 27, 2015 Letter Decision)
The NEB issued the licence to Orca LNG, subject to approval of the Governor in Council, having found that the quantity of gas to be exported by Orca LNG would be surplus to Canadian needs.
Alliance Pipeline Ltd. as General Partner of Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership Application for Approval of New Services and Related Tolls and Tariffs (Reasons for Decision RH-002-2014)
The NEB approved the new services and associated terms and conditions, as filed.
Direct Energy Regulated Services 2012-2016 Default Rate Tariff and Regulated Rate Tariff (Decision 2957-D01-2015)
The AUC accordingly ordered DERS to submit a compliance filing consistent with the findings and directions above on or before August 21, 2015.
Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc. 29 July 2014 Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas National Energy Board Reasons for Decision (June 30, 2015 Letter Decision)
Download ReportExport Licence - LNG The NEB released its decision in respect of Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc.’s (“Quicksilver”) application pursuant to section 117 of the National Energy Board Act for a licence to export liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) for a period...
Changes to Natural Gas Export Licence Term under Part VI of the National Energy Board Act – Consultation on Proposed Regulatory Amendments (June 29, 2015)
Download ReportNEB Seeking Input – NEB Act Amendment The NEB released a letter to interested parties, announcing that the Economic Action Plan 2015 Act received Royal Assent on June 23, 2015, which amended the National Energy Board Act to allow for the issuance of...
WesPac Midstream – Vancouver LLC Application for a Licence to Export Natural Gas (Letter Decision)
Download ReportExport Licence - LNG WesPac Midstream – Vancouver LLC (“WPMV”) applied to the NEB pursuant to section 117 of the National Energy Board Act (the “NEB Act”) for a licence to export natural gas as liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) for a term of 25 years, with...
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Application dated 8 November 2013 for the North Montney Mainline Project (Report GH-001-2014)
Download ReportFacility Application - CPCN - Tolling Methodology NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (“NGTL”) filed an application with the NEB on November 8, 2013 seeking approval to construct and operate the North Montney Mainline (“NMML”), designed to transport natural gas...
Distribution Performance-Based Regulation Commission-initiated Proceeding to Consider Modifications to the Minimum Filing Requirements for Capital Tracker Applications (Decision 3558-D01-2015)
Download ReportCapital Tracker – Filing Requirements The AUC initiated a proceeding to review the filing requirements for capital tracker applications. This was due to varying positions from parties in the 2013 capital tracker true-up and 2014-2015 forecast capital...
ATCO Pipelines, a division of ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. 2015 Interim Revenue Requirement (Decision 3586-D01-2015)
The AUC determined that ATCO’s interim rates should reflect an increase of 60 percent of ATCO’s 2015 forecast revenue requirement increase, or $17,157,800 per month after adjustments.
Issuance of Subsurface Order No. 3 Regarding the Duvernay Zone (Bulletin 2015-12)
Download ReportBulletin – Subsurface Order The AER announced the issuance of Subsurface Order No. 3 regarding the Duvernay Zone (“Order”), which became effective April 1, 2015. The Order sets out the following subsurface rules and regulatory processes within the...
Distribution Performance Based – Regulation Commission – Initiated Review of Assumptions Used in the Accounting Test for Capital Trackers (Decision 3434-D01-2015)
The AUC ordered AltaGas, ATCO Electric, ATCO Gas, EPCOR and Fortis to incorporate the findings of this decision into their compliance filings for their 2013 true-up and 2014-2015 forecast capital tracker applications, as well as all future capital tracker applications.
Woodside Energy Holdings Pty Ltd. 18 July 2014 Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas (January 29, 2015 Letter Decision)
Download ReportLicence Application – LNG Woodside Energy Holding Pty Ltd. (“Woodside Energy”) applied to the NEB for a licence to export liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) from an export point near Grassy Point, British Columbia pursuant to section 117 of the National...
ATCO Utilities (ATCO Gas, ATCO Pipelines, and ATCO Electric Ltd.) 2013 Pension Application (Decision 2954-D01-2015)
The AUC approved the application of the 50 percent COLA as a reasonable COLA for regulatory purposes while the pension plan is in a deficit position. This would reduce service costs and the elimination of going concern special payments for both regulated and non-regulated participating companies in the pension plan.