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Directive 050 Correction, AER Bulletin 2022-19

Link to Bulletin SummarizedOil and Gas – RulesOn June 1, 2022, the AER released a corrected edition of Directive 050: Drilling Waste Management. The correction restores requirements that the AER inadvertently removed from the edition released on March 28, 2022....

Alberta Electric System Operator Application for Approval of the Adjusted Metering Practice Implementation Plan and Associated Section 502.10 of the ISO Rules, AUC Decision 27047-D01-2022

Link to Decision SummarizedISO RulesIn this decision, the AUC refused an application by the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) for approval of the adjusted metering practice (“AMP”) implementation plan. The AUC considered whether the AMP implementation plan and...