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Swan Hills Geothermal Power Corporation Application for an Order Permitting Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the Co-produced Geothermal Power Plant, AUC Decision 27508-D01-2022

Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation – MarketsApplicationSwan Hills Power filed an application seeking permission to share records not available to the public relating to the 21-megawatt Co-produced Geothermal Power Plant between Swan Hills Power and URICA...

ATCO Salt Cavern Working Gas Deferral Account Disposition, Finalization of 2021-2023 Revenue Requirement for Acquisition of the Pioneer Pipeline in Decision 27053-D01-2022, AUC Decision 27450-D01-2022

Link to Decision SummarizedGas Facilities- Deferral Account DispositionApplicationsThis decision considers two applications by ATCO Pipelines (“AP”), a division of ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd.In the first application, AP proposed to settle its Salt Cavern working gas...