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ITC Lake Erie Connector LLC ITC Lake Erie Connector International Power Line 2021 Variance Request, Conditions 2 and 5 of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity EC-056, Letter Decision A8G1D0

Link to Decision SummarizedCondition Variation – Engagement and Consultation with Indigenous Peoples -Reassessing Prior DecisionsApplicationOn June 26, 2017, the NEB issued Certificate EC-056 (the “Certificate”) in respect of an approximately 117-kilometer,...

Oldman 2 Wind Farm Limited Application for Order Permitting Sharing Records not Available to Public Regarding the Oldman 2 Wind Farm and Wintering Hills Wind Power Plant, AUC Decision 27537-D01-2022

Link to Decision SummarizedFair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation – Sharing of RecordsApplicationOldman 2 Wind Farm Limited (“Oldman 2”) applied for the preferential sharing of records that are not available to the public between Oldman 2, Exus North American...