Power – Rates
AltaLink Management Ltd. (“AML”) applied for approval of a negotiated settlement agreement (“NSA”) with respect to its 2024 – 2025 general tariff application (“GTA”).
The AUC approved the NSA, as filed, with reasons to follow.
Pertinent Issues
As part of the GRA, AML requested, and the AUC granted, permission to pursue a negotiated settlement process (“NSP”). The AUC excluded two issues from the NSP and set a process schedule that included rebuttal evidence and an oral hearing.
The NSP process occurred between AML, the Alberta Direct Connect Customers (“DCA”), the Consumers’ Coalition of Alberta (“CCA”), the Alberta Federation of Rural Electrification Associations Ltd. (AFREA”), the Industrial Power Consumers Association of Alberta (“IPCAA”) and the Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate (“UCA”).
All parties agreed to and signed the NSA, and filed letters with the AUC confirming that negotiations were conducted in a fair and open manner with adequate notice.
Given the upcoming process schedule deadlines to deal with the two excluded issues, and to provide the parties with certainty regarding the NSA, the AUC decided to issue a decision approving the NSA, with reasons to follow.