Code of Conduct Compliance
In this decision, the AUC approved the application from Tomahawk REA Ltd. (“Tomahawk”) to amend its varied code of conduct compliance plan.
Tomahawk filed its application pursuant to the Code of Conduct Regulation (“CCR”) and Rule 030: Compliance with Code of Conduct Regulation. Subsection 37(1)(a) of the CCR authorizes the AUC to make a rule to vary the requirements of Subsection 30(4) “in the case of a distributor with a small number of customers…”.
Subsection 3(1) of Rule 030 came into effect on April 1, 2016. Subsection 3(1) of Rule 030 provides that a distributor with fewer than 5,000 customers may file a varied compliance plan. Tomahawk’s submission of a varied compliance plan was approved in Decision 21657-D01-2016.
In this application, Tomahawk submitted that it had signed a distribution system operator and regulated rate option agreement with Battle River Power Co-op, effective January 5, 2021. Tomahawk has also changed its compliance officer.
AUC Findings
The AUC found that the changes made to Tomahawk’s varied compliance plan are consistent with continued compliance with and sufficiently address the requirements of the Code of Conduct Regulation and Rule 030.