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EPCOR Energy Alberta GP 2021 Regulated Rate Tariff Interim Rates Application, AUC Decision 26023-D01-2020

Link to Decision Summarized


In this decision, the AUC approved the application from EPCOR Energy Alberta GP Inc. (“EEA”) to apply existing non-energy charges for its regulated rate tariff (“RRT”), as interim rate effective January 1, 2021.


EEA requested approval to continue charging the 2020 non-energy charges that had been approved in Decision 24034-D01-2019 as 2021 interim non-energy RRT rates. It also requested that these rates stay effective from January 1, 2021 until the AUC approved, and EEA implemented a final RRT for 2021 or the AUC had approved a revised 2021 interim RRT.

Particulars of the Application

The following tables show the previously approved non-energy charges on a dollars per month per site and dollars per day per site basis.

Non-Energy Charges for EDTI Service Area




Non-Energy Charges for Fortis Service Area




AUC Findings

The AUC approved the proposed 2021 interim rates on an interim refundable basis and determined that continuing the non-energy rates from 2020 would result in regulatory efficiency and rate certainty for customers.

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