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Market Surveillance Administrator Proposes Amendments to AUC Rule 019, AUC Bulletin 2020-41

Link to Bulletin Summarized

Application to ISO Rules – Penalty Escalation

The AUC seeks stakeholder feedback on revisions to AUC Rule 019: Specific Penalties for Contravention of ISO Rules (“Rule 019”) proposed by the Market Surveillance Administrator (“MSA”).

The AUC proposes to accept the following MSA-recommended amendments to Rule 019:

  • Rule 019 would apply to all independent system operator (“ISO”) rules;

  • the three categories of contraventions be collapsed into one category; and

  • the penalty escalation found in the Category 1 table be the one used to determine the penalty amount for subsequent contraventions of the same ISO rule.

The AUC review of Rule 019 will consist of a stakeholder consultation involving a written process.

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