Pipeline Facility
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. (“Enbridge”) applied to the NEB for an Order under Part III of the National Energy Board Act (“NEB Act”) to build and operate up to 2.5 kilometres of new 323.9 mm (NPS 12) under the Mackenzie River (the “Application”).
The figure below shows the location of the pipeline project (the “Project”):
In the Application, Enbridge requested the NEB:
(a) Approve Enbridge’s proposal to install the pipeline segment using a horizontal directional drilling (“HDD”) trenchless crossing method; and
(b) Grant permission to leave the section of pipeline that was being replaced under the Mackenzie River.
Specifically, Enbridge requested that the Board grant the following relief:
(a) an Order pursuant to section 58 of the NEB Act, approving the construction and operation of the Project and exempting Enbridge from the provisions of paragraph 30(1)(b), subsections 31(c), 31(d) and section 33 of the NEB Act; and
(b) an Order pursuant to section 45.1 of the National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations (“OPR”) to decommission the segment of the existing pipeline in state.
The NEB approved the Application, subject to conditions, based on the following findings:
(a) the general design of the Project was appropriate for its intended use and the Project would be constructed and operated in accordance with all applicable legislation and standards;
(b) Enbridge’s approach to decommissioning was appropriate in the current circumstances, including its proposal to leave the existing Line 21 pipeline segment in place;
(c) with the implementation of Enbridge’s environmental protection procedures and mitigation, as well as the Board’s imposed conditions, the Project was not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects;
(d) Enbridge’s design and implementation of its Project-specific public and Indigenous engagement activities were appropriate for the scope and scale of the Project and all Indigenous peoples potentially affected by the Project were provided with sufficient information and opportunities to make their views about the Project known to Enbridge and to the Board; and
(e) the Project was economically feasible.
The NEB concluded that the Project, inclusive of the terms and conditions set out in Order XO-E102-002-2018 and the conditions contained in Order MO-002-2018 was in the public interest.