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Tracking Compliance with Certain Directions from Rates Decisions (AUC Bulletin 2019-14)

Bulletin 2019-14 – eFiling System Update

To track compliance with directions from facilities and markets decisions, the AUC updated its eFiling system in 2018. On August 1, 2019 the AUC extended the use of this tracking function to track certain directions resulting from rates decisions. Only decisions released after August 1, 2019 have directions tracked.

The AUC made this change to ensure visibility and transparency with respect to compliance with directions from its rates-related decisions. The AUC’s long-standing practice of including a separate appendix in rates-related decisions that summarizes the directions made throughout the decision was not changed.

AUC staff will be responsible for identifying the directions that are logged in the eFiling System and initiating the tracking process. The eFiling System will then create tasks within the system for the parties responsible for complying with the directions.

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