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AER Bulletin 2018-33: Reporting Related to Closure Activities and Directive 039 Moving to OneStop

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Updates to Reporting

As of November 29, 2018, the following reports must be submitted through OneStop, the AER’s online submission tool:

  • reports related to well suspensions (initial suspension, industry inspections, and reactivation); previously submitted through the Digital Data Submission (“DDS”) system;

  • reports related to facility and well surface abandonment; previously submitted through the DDS system;

  • updates to working interest participant information;

  • the annual dehydrator benzene inventory form (inventory) for actual past calendar year performance as per the current Directive 039: Revised Program to Reduce Benzene Emissions from Glycol Dehydrators; and

  • area-based closure required and voluntary submissions related to remediation, progressive reclamation, and closure spend.

There are prerequisites to submit these reports through OneStop, as set out in this Bulletin.

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