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Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Application for Approval of the Mainline Tolling Settlement and Final Tolls, CER Letter Decision File 4637048, C28621-1

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Gas – Tolls


Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (“Enbridge”) applied for approval of the Mainline Tolling Settlement (the “Settlement”).


The Canadian Energy Regulator (“CER”) approved the application, as filed.

Pertinent Issues

The CER approved the application, comprising of the following:

  • approval of the Settlement in respect of the Canadian Mainline;
  • approval of the Base Canadian Local Tariff Tolls and the Base International Joint Tariff Tolls set forth respectively in Schedules “C” and “B” of the Settlement, and also in Appendix B to Interim Canadian Local Tariff CER No. 529 and Appendix A to Interim International Joint Tariff CER No. 530, respectively, as final tolls from 1 July 2021 to the effective date of the first toll filings under the Settlement following the Commission’s approval (Effective Date of the New Settlement Tolls);
  • approval of the interim receipt and delivery tankage tolls as final tolls from 1 July 2021 to the Effective Date of the New Settlement Tolls;
  • the Interim Line 3 Replacement surcharges charged between 1 July 2021 and 30 September 2021 as final tolls;
  • the Line 3 Replacement surcharges charged between 1 October 2021 and the Effective Date of the New Settlement Tolls as final tolls; and
  • approval to establish from 1 July 2021 through to 31 December 2028 tolls for the Canadian Mainline in accordance with the Settlement.

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