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Alberta Electric System Operator Needs Identification Document Application, AltaLink Management Facility Applications – Georgetown Solar Project Connection, AUC Decision 28327-D01-2023

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Solar Power – Facilities


Georgetown Solar Inc. (“Georgetown Solar”) has an AUC approval to construct the Georgetown Solar + Energy Storage Project (the “Power Plant”), which includes a solar power plant, a battery energy storage system and the Mossleigh 1051S Substation.

To connect the Power Plant to the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (“AIES”), the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) filed a needs identification document (“NID”) application. AltaLink Management Ltd. (“AML”) filed facility applications for approval to construct and operate the facilities to meet the need identified by the AESO.


The AUC approved the NID application from the AESO and the facility applications submitted by AML.

Pertinent Issues

AESO NID Application

The AESO filed a NID application to add one 240-kilovolt (“kV”) circuit to connect the approved Mossleigh 1051S Substation to the existing Transmission Line 924L.

The AESO stated that the proposed transmission development provides a reasonable opportunity for AML to exchange electric energy and ancillary services, and that the proposed transmission development is consistent with the AESO’s long-term plans. The AESO and AML conducted a joint participant involvement program. The AUC found that the applications comply with the information requirements set out in Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines and that the proposed transmission project was consistent with meeting the approved need and the requirements of the AESO’s functional specification.

The AESO conducted studies to assess the impact the development and associated generation would have on the transmission system. The AESO’s studies indicated that the connection may cause thermal violations, which may require generation to be curtailed. The probability of required pre-curtailment would depend on generation profiles and operating conditions. Closer to the in-service date, if the AESO determines that congestion will arise under Category A conditions, the AESO may make an application to the AUC to obtain approval for an exception under s 15(2) of the Transmission Regulation.

AML Facility Applications

To meet the need identified in the AESO’s application, AML filed facility applications, which proposed to:

  • modify two structures on the existing Transmission Line 924L and install a new steel lattice structure at the midspan of these two structures;
  • construct the 150 meters, 240-kV Transmission Line 924AL; and
  • install a new telecommunications tower, up to 40 meters in height, within the Mossleigh 1051S Substation.

The AUC found that AML’s facility applications comply with the information requirements set out in Rule 007 and that they were consistent with the need identified by the AESO.

The AUC accepted the conclusion of the environmental evaluation report submitted for the applied-for facilities, which indicated that the incremental impacts on the environment and landowners would be minimal, considering the details of the project and AML’s mitigation measures and operational standards.

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