Electricity – Application for Review
The Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate (“UCA”) applied to review Decision 26615-D01-2022 (the “Decision”), regarding ATCO Electric Ltd. (“AE”) and FortisAlberta Inc.’s (“Fortis”) 2023 cost-of-service applications review.
The AUC denied the UCA’s application for review.
Pertinent Issues
The UCA submitted that, in its application, it relied on the issues that were essentially identical to those identified by the City of Calgary in its review application in Proceeding 28244.
The AUC considered that, for all relevant purposes, the applications in this proceeding and Proceeding 28244 were substantially identical, except that the application in this proceeding dealt with AE and Fortis, and the application in Proceeding 28244 dealt with ATCO Gas and Apex Utilities Inc.
For the reasons expressed in Decision 28244-D01-2023, the AUC determined that the UCA’s submissions failed to demonstrate that there were changed circumstances material to the decision, which occurred since its issuance, as required by s 5(1)(c) of Rule 016: Review of Commission Decisions.