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Revision of AUC Rule 019: Specified Penalties for Contravention of ISO Rules (Bulletin 2015-18)

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Bulletin – Rule 019

The AUC announced that it approved amendments to AUC Rule 019: Specified Penalties for Contravention of ISO Rules (“Rule 19”). The amendments became effective on December 7, 2015.

The AUC indicated that its normal practice in the past has been to invite comments from market participants on any possible amendments to Rule 19. However, in this instance, the AUC explained that the changes were administrative in nature, and did not necessitate a consultative process. The AUC stated that the most recent changes related to the penalty tables that divide the various contraventions into different categories, to reflect the redrafting of certain ISO rules by the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”).

As part of the Transition of Authoritative Documents (“TOAD”) project, the AESO removed ISO rules 3.6.2, 3.6.3, 6.4.3, 6.5.2, 6.5.3, OPP 403, and OPP 404 effective December 23, 2014 and replaced them with the following ISO rules:

(a) Section 205.1: Offers for Operating Reserve;

(b) Section 205.2: Issuing Dispatches and Directives for Operating Reserve;

(c) Section 205.3: Restatements for Operating Reserve;

(d) Section 205.4: Regulating Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards;

(e) Section 205.5: Spinning Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards; and

(f) Section 205.6: Supplemental Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards.

Accordingly, the AUC amended the penalty table in Rule 19 to reflect the above changes.

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