Electric Distribution Service Area Amendment
The City of Medicine Hat (“Medicine Hat”) applied to the AUC pursuant to sections 25 and 29 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act to amend its electric distribution service area to include an additional 2.59 hectares. The proposed amendment would include the final phase of the Desert Blume residential development consisting of 83 residential lots. Medicine Hat stated that 62 of the lots fell within its service area, 13 of the lots fell within the service area of FortisAlberta Inc., and the remaining 8 lots straddled the boundary between the two service areas.
Medicine Hat submitted the application pursuant to a request from the developer that the development be serviced by a single electric distribution system. FortisAlberta Inc. supported the application, noting that the majority of the development was within Medicine Hat’s service area.
The AUC agreed with Medicine Hat, finding that the residential development of Desert Blume would be better served by a single electric distribution service provider. The AUC found that this would provide consistent service to affected residents, and would be in the public interest. The AUC therefore ordered that Medicine Hat’s distribution service area be modified to include the Desert Blume residential development.