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AESO Request for Consent to Terminate the Reliability Management System Agreement and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council Reliability Criteria Agreement (Decision 20840-D01-2015)

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Termination of Agreements – Request for Consent

The Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) applied for consent from the AUC to terminate the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”) Reliability Criteria Agreement and the Reliability Management System Agreement (collectively, the “Agreements”) pursuant to section 21(1)(b) of the Transmission Regulation.

The AESO submitted that it was seeking to terminate the Agreements because they were no longer needed. The original purpose of the Agreements was to ensure that transmission reliability requirements would be met through voluntary adherence to reliability standards incorporated into the Agreements. However, since 2009, all of the reliability standards in the Agreements have been incorporated into Alberta reliability standards, or were determined non-applicable in Alberta by the AESO. As a result, transmission operators in Alberta terminated their respective Reliability Criteria Agreements with WECC, leaving WECC and the AESO as the sole remaining signatories to the Agreements. The AESO further submitted that WECC had agreed to terminate the Agreements.

The AUC accepted the AESO’s submissions, relying on the representations made by the AESO in finding that the Agreements were no longer needed. The AUC gave its consent pursuant to section 21(1)(b) of the Transmission Regulation for the AESO to proceed with terminating the Agreements.

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