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Enbridge Line 10 Westover Segment Replacement (NEB Hearing Order OH-001-2016)

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Pipeline Replacement – Hearing Order

The NEB released a hearing order for Enbridge’s application to replace the Westover Segment of its line 10 pipeline, which consists of replacing 32 kilometers of existing 12 inch diameter pipeline with approximately 35 kilometers of new 20 inch diameter pipeline from Enbridge’s Westover Terminal to its Nanticoke Junction facility in Hamilton, Ontario (the “Application”).

The NEB provided a map of the facilities affected by the Application:

February Map (00093480xC5DFB).png


The NEB determined that the following issues would be considered in the course of the hearing considering the Application:

  • The need for the Application;

  • The economic feasibility of the Application;

  • Potential commercial impacts of the Application, including supply and market issues;

  • The potential environmental and socio-economic effects of the Application;

  • The appropriateness of the general route and land requirements for the Application;

  • The engineering design and integrity of the Application;

  • The potential impacts of the Application on Indigenous interests;

  • The potential impacts of the Application on directly affected landowners;

  • Contingency plans for spills, accidents or malfunctions during construction and operation of the Application; and

  • The terms and conditions to be included in any approval the NEB may issue for the Application.

Parties who wish to register for the hearing have until March 14, 2016 to apply to participate.

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