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Alberta Electric System Operator 2023 Balancing Pool Consumer Allocation Rider F Application, AUC Decision 27694-D01-2022

Link to Decision Summarized

Electricity – Rates


The Balancing Pool is a corporation established by s. 75 of the Electric Utilities Act (“EUA”). Under s. 82 of the EUA the Balancing Pool must prepare a budget for each fiscal year setting out its estimated revenues and expenses. Based on the forecast revenues and expenses in its budget, the Balancing Pool must determine an annualized amount that will be refunded to (or collected from) electricity market participants over the year. Following receipt of the Balancing Pool’s annualized amount, the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) is required to include this amount in its tariff. The AESO received a letter from the Balancing Pool requesting a consumer charge of $2.20 per megawatt hour (“MWh”) in the 2023 calendar year.

The AESO applied for approval of the Balancing Pool consumer allocation Rider F of $2.20 per MWh for 2023.


The AUC approved the application as filed.

Applicable Legislation

Electric Utilities Act, SA 2003, c E-5.1 ss. 75, 82.

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