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Solartility Inc. Micro-generation Dispute Regarding Bi-Directional Interval Meters for Solartility Customers, AUC Decision 27161-D01-2022

Link to Decision Summarized

Micro-Generation – Facilities


Solartility Inc. (“Solartility”) requested that ENMAX Power Corporation (“ENMAX”) provide interval meters for two micro-generation (“MG”) customers free of charge.


The AUC denied Solartility’s request for an order requiring ENMAX to install interval meters at ENMAX’s cost. Should the two MG customers agree to pay the reasonable costs of supplying and installing an interval meter, ENMAX must proceed with the installation and change the designation of the customer(s) to large MG.

Applicable Legislation

AUC Rule 024: Rules Respecting Micro-Generation.

Electric Utilities Act, SA 2003, c E-5.1 – s 105.

Micro-generation Regulation, Alta Reg 27/2008 – s 3.

Pertinent Issues

Solartility’s customers provided MG notices to ENMAX and requested that bi-directional interval meters be supplied and installed without charge. ENMAX accepted the MG notices outside the required 14-day period under AUC Rule 024: Rules Respecting Micro-Generation (“Rule 024”) but declined the request to supply and install interval meters.

Solartility, on behalf of Mr. Shayne Butcher and Mr. James Koch, applied to the AUC for an order that ENMAX:

(a)     install interval meters free of charge; and

(b)     maintain the customers’ existing residential distribution tariff rate class of D100 following the installation of the requested interval meters.

The AUC acknowledged that an interval meter may provide economic efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, and other benefits. However, Solartility’s customers will primarily realize the benefits at a cost to all of ENMAX’s residential customers. The AUC determined that this result would not be just or in the public interest.

Under Rule 024, a utility has 14 days from receipt of an MG application to accept or decline it. ENMAX explained that it had been regularly missing this deadline due to significant increases in the volume of MG applications received and time spent providing assistance and education to customers regarding the MG requirements and notice process. The AUC accepted ENMAX’s explanation.

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