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Capital Power Generation Services Inc. Genesee Generating Station Units 1 and 2 Ownership Correction and Amendments, AUC Decision 27420-D01-2022

Link to Decision Summarized

Electricity – Facilities


Capital Power Generation Services Inc. (“Capital Power”) submitted an application to correct the ownership of Genesee units 1 and 2 from Capital Power GP Holdings Inc. to Capital Power. Capital Power also requested to amend the power plant approval to reflect the correct number of transformers for the power plant. The current power plant lists two transformers, but there are four transformers for the power plant. Capital Power stated that the four transformers were applied for in previous applications and acknowledged that two of the transformers were inadvertently not included in the single-line diagram provided in a previous application for the repowering project.


The AUC found that the amendments are minor, that no person is directly and adversely affected by the proposal, and that the proposed amendments will not cause a significant adverse environmental impact. The AUC approved the application.

Applicable Legislation

Hydro and Electric Energy Act, RSA 2000, c H-16 – ss. 11 and 19.

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