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ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. North Edmonton Loop Pipeline Project, AUC Decision 26811-D01-2021

Link to Decision Summarized

Gas – Pipelines

In this decision, the AUC approved the application from ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. (“ATCO”) for an amendment to perform a line split, removal and resumption of segments of discontinued pipelines and to install two new pipeline segments under the existing License 2594 (the “Project”).


In its application, ATCO requested permission to remove sections and resume sections of the pipeline and to construct new sections. ATCO further applied to abandon two pipelines, which would be recorded in a subsequent application. ATCO submitted that the Project is part of the urban pipeline replacement program to ensure reliable gas to northeast Edmonton. The application was filed pursuant to Section 11 of the Pipeline Act and Section 4.1 of the Gas Utilities Act, and ATCO indicated that it complied with Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments, and Gas Utility Pipelines.

Discussion and Findings

The AUC found that its decision would not directly or adversely affect the rights of a person. It further found that the participant involvement program had been conducted appropriately and that no public or industry concerns or objections remained.

The AUC accepted the assessment of the engineering assessment that indicated that the pipeline is suitable for resumption. It further accepted that the potential environmental impacts of the Project had been sufficiently addressed.

The AUC determined that approval of the application is in the public interest and is required to allow ATCO to connect the required high-pressure pipelines to ensure a reliable natural gas supply to northeast Edmonton. The application was approved as filed.

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