Natural Gas – Facilities
ARC Resources Ltd. (“ARC”) operates the 15-megawatt (“MW”) Cutbank Sour Gas Multiwell Battery (the “Cutbank Battery”), located approximately 64 kilometres south of Grande Prairie.
ARC sought AUC approval to construct and operate a 22.6-MW natural gas thermal power plant (the “Project”) at the Cutbank Sour Multiwell Gas Battery under s 11 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act (“HEEA”).
The AUC approved the application.
Applicable Legislation
Alberta Utilities Commission Act, SA 2007, c A-37.2.
Hydro and Electric Energy Act, RSA 2000, c H-16.
Pertinent Issues
At the time of the application, the Cutbank Battery was generating power for ARC’s own use and was exempt from s 11 of the HEEA.
Following the addition of the Project, the Cutbank Battery would remain disconnected from the Alberta Interconnected Electric System.
The AUC was satisfied ARC’s application met the requirements set out in Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines. The AUC determined that the Project’s technical, siting, emissions, environmental, and noise aspects have been met. ARC’s participant involvement program has been conducted, and there are no outstanding public or industry objections or concerns.
Since the Project did not comply with the nighttime permissible sound level set out in Rule 012: Noise Control, the AUC required ARC to mitigate the noise impact. The AUC imposed a condition of approval mandating ARC to implement the noise mitigation measures recommended in the noise impact assessment for the Project.
The AUC approved the application from ARC to construct and operate the Cutbank Sour Multiwell Gas Battery Power Plant.