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Alberta Electric System Operator Approval of New Alberta Reliability Standards and Retirement of Existing Alberta Reliability Standards, AUC Decision 27516-D01-2022

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ISO Rules – Reliability Standards


The Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) forwarded a recommendation to the AUC to approve two new Alberta Reliability Standards. The first proposed new standard, EOP-005-AB-3, ensures plans, facilities, and personnel are prepared to enable restoration of the Alberta Interconnected Electricity Systems (“AIES”) starting from blackstart resources. Moreover, it ensures reliability is maintained during restoration and it prioritizes restoring the AIES and the interconnection per the restoration plan. The second proposed new standard, EOP-006-AB-3, ensures that plans are established, and personnel is prepared to enable effective coordination of the system restoration process, guaranteeing that reliability is maintained during the restoration of the AIES in the event of a complete or partial blackout.


The AUC approved the proposed new standards: EOP-005-AB-3 and EOP-006-AB-3, and the retirement of standards EOP-005-AB-2 and EOP-006-AB-2, effective as of September 1, 2023.

Applicable Legislation

Transmission Regulation, Alta Reg 86/2007, ss 19(4)-(6).

Pertinent Issues

Prior to the AESO’s submission for approval, the AESO followed a stakeholder consultation process. The AESO recommended approval of the new reliability standards. No objections to approval were filed with the AUC.

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