Power Plant – Facilities
In this decision, the AUC approved applications from Versorium Energy Ltd. (“Versorium”) to construct and operate a 5.044-megawatt (“MW”) natural gas-fired Northern Valley 1 Distributed Energy Resource power plant (the “Power Plant”) and to connect the Power Plant to ATCO Electric Ltd.’s distribution system (the “Project”).
Versorium applied for permission to construct the Project on private land, including cultivated and adjacent modified grassland, 14 kilometres southeast of Elk Point. The Project includes two gas-fired reciprocating engines with a nominal capability of 5.044 megawatts, a switchgear building, a generator step-up transformer, a low-pressure natural gas pipeline to connect to the County of Vermilion River’s natural gas system, and a distribution line to connect to ATCO Electric Ltd.’s distribution system.
The AUC determined that the application met the information requirements set out in Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines. The AUC was also satisfied that the participant involvement program met the applicable requirements.
Based on reports and evaluations submitted as part of the application, the AUC determined that the Project will be compliant with Rule 012: Noise Control, Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives, and federal Multi-Sector Air Pollutant Regulations.
Versorium submitted an Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act application to Alberta Environment and Parks but had not received feedback on the application at the time of this decision.
The AUC determined that, in accordance with s. 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act, approval of the applications is in the public interest. The AUC approved the applications to construct and operate the Power Plant and connect the Power Plant to ATCO Electric Ltd.’s distribution system under ss. 11 and 18 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act.