Rates – Compliance Filing
In this decision, the AUC evaluated EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc.’s (“EDTI”) compliance with the directions issued in Decision 26836-D01-2021 regarding EDTI’s 2022 system access service (“SAS”) Phase 2 application (the “Decision”). The AUC determined that EDTI had complied with the AUC’s directions and approved the resulting SAS rates, effective April 1, 2022.
Compliance with Commission Directions
In the Decision, the AUC approved EDTI’s proposal to modify its 2022 SAS rate design to include a monthly non-coincident peak metered demand charge for several of its commercial and industrial customer rate classes. EDTI was directed to file a compliance filing, incorporating the latest available information in its SAS rates before the SAS rates became effective on April 1, 2022.
EDTI updated its SAS rates to incorporate the Alberta Electric System Operator’s approved 2022 demand transmission service rates as well as the forecasted approved billing determinants, pool price, and operating reserve percentages dealing with EDTI’s 2022 annual performance-based regulation rate adjustment.
Resulting 2022 SAS Rates
EDTI calculated its 2022 SAS rates using the general principles and methodologies approved in Decision 26836-D01-2021 and Decision 26852-D01-2021. The AUC reviewed the typical bill impacts from March 2022 to April 2022 to assess the likelihood of rate shock resulting from the proposed 2022 SAS rates and the changes in the rates as a result of compliance with the directions issued in the Decision.
The AUC determined that the month-over-month changes to total bundled customer bills from March 2022 to April 2022 are minimal. The bill impacts for individual customers in the rate classes affected by the proposed changes to EDTI’s SAS rate design were considered and accepted by the AUC in Decision 26836-D01-2021.
The AUC found that EDTI complied with the directions issued in Decision 26836-D01-2022 and approved the resulting SAS rates, effective April 1, 2022.