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Alberta Electric System Operator Approval of New Alberta Reliability Standard CIP-012-AB-1, AUC Decision 27372-D01-2022

Link to Decision Summarized

Reliability Standard – Cyber Security


The Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) filed a recommendation to approve the new Alberta Reliability Standard CIP-012-AB-1: Cyber Security – Communications between Control Centres (“CIP-012-AB-1”).


The AUC approved the new standard CIP-012-AB-1.

Applicable Legislation

Transmission Regulation, Alta Reg 86/2007 – ss 19(4), 19(5), and 19(6).

Pertinent Issues

The AESO submitted that the purpose of the proposed new reliability standard, which applies to the AESO and market participants, is to protect the confidentiality and integrity of real-time assessment and real-time monitoring data transmitted between control centres.

No interested party filed an objection with the AUC that would indicate the new CIP-012-AB-1 is either technically deficient or not in the public interest. The AUC approved the new standard CIP-012-AB-1.

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