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Applying for Temporary Diversion Licences, AER Bulletin 2022-08

Link to Decision Summarized

Water Act – Application System

As of March 30, 2022, Alberta Environment and Parks (“AEP”) no longer uses the Water Act Temporary Diversion Licence Electronic Review System (“WATERS”) to receive temporary diversion licence (“TDL”) applications. Starting April 4, 2022, TDL applications processed by AEP must be submitted to its new Digital Regulatory Assurance System.

This change does not affect TDL applications regulated by the AER. Applications for TDLs related to energy resource activities must continue to be submitted through WATERS.

A TDL can be issued under the Water Act to allow someone to divert and use surface and groundwater for up to a year. TDLs related to energy resource activities are issued by the AER. AEP issues all others.

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