Oil and Gas – Rules
On June 1, 2022, the AER released a corrected edition of Directive 050: Drilling Waste Management. The correction restores requirements that the AER inadvertently removed from the edition released on March 28, 2022. The corrections reflect the requirements in the draft directive released for public feedback on November 19, 2021.
The AER corrected the following sections to reflect current regulatory and operational requirements:
Section 2, “Overview of Drilling Waste Management Methods,” requirement 4;
Section 6.4, “Remote Site Requirements,” requirement 73;
Section 8.3, “Disposal onto Forested Public Lands Disposal Requirements,” requirements 86 through 89, 91(a)(c), and 92(a)(b); and
Section 9.3, “Pump-off Disposal Requirements,” requirement 99.
The AER also made adjustments and clarifications to terminology.