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ENMAX Power Corporation Compliance Filing to Decision 26589-D01-2021 and Decision 26844-D01-2021, AUC Decision 27042-D01-2021

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PBR – Compliance Filing

In this decision, the AUC determined that ENMAX Power Corporation (“EPC”) had complied with all directions issued by the AUC in Decision 26589-D01-2021 and Decision 26844-D01-2021, relevant to this compliance filing.

Compliance with AUC Directions

In Decision 26589-D01-2021, the AUC denied EPC’s request for Type 1 capital tracker treatment of the Green Line Light Rail Transit (“LRT”) Project and required a compliance filing to refund all associated placeholder amounts collected from customers.

EPC complied with the direction in this compliance filing and calculated a 2019-2021 Type 1 capital true-up refund of $4,055,739 plus associated carrying costs of $158,666 to be refunded to customers in 2022.

Further, as directed, EPC provided a clean version of its 2020 TACDA schedules showing the removal of the transmission access charge deferral account (“TACDA”) amounts related to the historical errors for years 2015 through 2019. The resulting 2020 TACDA true-up amounts and associated rider rates were the same as conditionally approved in Decision 26844-D01-2021.

Finally, as directed, EPC updated its Balancing Pool allocation Rider to reflect the approved Alberta Electric System Operator Rider F in its 2022 PBR rates.

Resulting 2022 PBR Rates

EPC provided the updated set of its 2022 distribution tariff rate schedules to reflect the impact of compliance with the AUC’s directions. The AUC considered the practices and methodologies EPC employed for its calculations as well as the typical bill impacts expected. The AUC found that there is no expected rate shock. The AUC found no remaining issues and approved the 2022 PBR rates on an interim basis, effective January 1, 2022.

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