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Versorium Energy Ltd. Berkinshaw 1 Distributed Energy Resource Power Plant, AUC Decision 27052-D01-2021

Link to Decision Summarized

Facilities – Gas

In this decision, the AUC approved the applications from Versorium Energy Ltd. (“Versorium”) to construct, operate and connect a 5.044-megawatt natural gas-fired Berkinshaw 1 Distributed Energy Resource Power Plant (the “Power Plant”) and connect it to the ATCO Electric Ltd. (“AE”) distribution system (the “Project”).


The Project will be located on private, cultivated land, 6.5 kilometers east of Alliance, Alberta. It will include two gas-fired reciprocating engines with a nominal capability of 5.044 megawatts, a switchgear building, a generator step-up transformer, a low-pressure natural gas pipeline to connect to the Phoenix Gas Co-op Ltd. natural gas system, and a distribution line to connect to the AE distribution system.

The applications submitted by Versorium included a participant involvement program, noise impact assessment (“NIA”), air quality assessment report, environmental evaluation report and a letter of non-objection from AE, confirming it is prepared to allow the interconnection.

Construction is expected to be carried out in September and August of 2022. Versorium expects the Project to be in service by December 31, 2022, and applied for a construction completion date of December 31, 2023, to account for unforeseen delay and to mitigate the requirement to apply for an extension.

AUC Findings

The AUC was satisfied that the application provided all information required by Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines. The AUC was further satisfied that the requirements of Rule 012: Noise Control had been met and that the Project would abide by the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives and the Multi-Sector Air Pollutant Regulations.

Versorium submitted an Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act application to Alberta Environment and Parks on December 16, 2021, but had not received feedback on the application at the time of this decision.


The AUC determined that approval of the applications is in the public interest, as required by Section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.

Pursuant to Section 11 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, the AUC approved the application for construction and operation of the Power Plant. The application to connect the Power Plant to the AE distribution system was approved pursuant to Section 18 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act.

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