Gas – Rates
Direct Energy Regulated Services (“DERS”) applied for approval of interim rates, effective January 1, 2023, including:
(a) Default Rate Tariff (“DRT”) and Regulated Rate Tariff (“RRT”) rate schedules;
(b) Continuation of the DRT return margin charge of $0.053/gigajoule (“GJ”), approved in Decision 26207-D01-2021;
(c) Continuation of the DRT energy-related charge of $0.021/GJ, approved in Decision 26207-D01-2021; and
(d) Continuation of the monthly amount of $34,499 for DRT energy-related labour, approved in Decision 26207-D01-2021.
The AUC approved DERS’ 2023 interim DRT and RRT non-energy rates, which are the same as the existing 2022 rates.
Applicable Legislation
Regulated Rate Option Regulation, AR 62/2005.
Electric Utilities Act, SA 2003, c E-5.
Pertinent Issues
DERS requested the continuation of its 2022 final DRT and RRT non-energy rates, as well as the continuation of its 2022 final DRT return margin charge of $0.053/GJ, the 2022 final charge of $0.021/GJ for certain DRT energy costs, and the 2022 final monthly amount of $34,499 for labour costs associated with DRT energy procurement, all on an interim basis beginning January 1, 2023. Because the AUC previously tested and approved these amounts, the AUC found DERS’ request to continue these amounts for 2023, on an interim basis, reasonable and in the public interest. These amounts will be adjusted upon final approval of DERS’ 2023 DRT and RRT non-energy application.