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ENMAX Power Corporation 2023 Cost-of-Service Compliance Filing and 2023 Distribution Rates, AUC Decision 27651-D01-2022

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Gas – Rates


ENMAX Power Corporation (“EPC”) made filings in compliance with Decision 26617-D02-2022 and its resulting 2023 distribution rates. The AUC considered EPS’s 2023 rebasing by way of a negotiated settlement agreement (“NSA”). In Decision 26617-D01-20226, the AUC approved the NSA and instructed EPC to submit additional filings required for this proceeding.


The AUC determined that EPC complied with Decision 26617-D02-2022 and approved the resulting 2023 forecast revenue requirement.

The AUC approved, effective January 1, 2023, on an interim basis, EPC’s 2023 distribution rates, options and riders, and corresponding rate schedules.

The AUC also approved EPC’s 2021 annual transmission access charge deferral account (“TACDA”) true-up amount, the distribution tariff terms and conditions, and the finalization of interim 2021 performance-based regulation (“PBR”) rates based on the calculation of its 2021 going-in revenue and K-bar amounts.

The AUC directed EPC to apply the 2023 Cost-of-Service (“COS”) inflation escalator of 2.68 percent to calculate its 2023 fees and to submit the revised fee schedule as a post-disposition document in the present proceeding by December 19, 2022.

Applicable Legislation

AUC Rule 023: Rules on Costs in Utility Rate Proceedings.

Pertinent Issues

In Decision 26617-D02-2022, the AUC directed EPC to revise the applied-for 2023 revenue requirement to reflect the AUC’s approval of the NSA. As part of the NSA, EPC agreed to a global reduction to the operation and maintenance (“O&M”) forecast and a reduction to capital adjustments. The NSA also includes increases for inflation of $1.41 million and cost of debt of $2.3 million, which reflected the most recent information available. Distribution access service (“DAS”) rates are based on a distribution revenue requirement of $293.46 million in 2023 as a result of the NSA.

Decision 26617-D02-2022 required EPC to include, in its compliance filing, the calculation of 2023 rates based on the approved revenue requirement. EPC was directed to include the following information that typically accompanies the calculation of rates in the compliance filings:

  • 2023 billing determinant forecast reflective of the last approved Phase 2 methodologies and most recent data.

  • 2023 distribution tariff based on the approved revenue requirement and the associated bill impact analysis.

  • Terms and conditions of service for 2023 for approval.

  • A true-up of the prior approved deferral accounts, such as the amounts included in the Y factor and 2021 TACDA true-up.

  • All currently approved deferral accounts and rate riders shall continue to be applied in 2023. The differences between forecast and actual costs for amounts in these accounts will be subsequently trued up in the annual PBR rate adjustment filings.

  • Any other items required to support the proposed 2023 distribution tariff.

The AUC approved the resulting 2023 forecast revenue requirement of $291.75 million and determined that EPC has complied with Decision 26617-D02-2022.

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