Solar Power – Facilities
Rocktree Solar Inc. (“Rocktree”), wholly owned and operated by Volatrix Group Inc., applied for permission to construct and operate the 18.4-megawatt (“MW”) Rocktree Solar Project (the “Project”). The Project will be constructed on 110 acres of private, cultivated land two kilometres south of Spruce Grove in Parkland County. The Project will be connected to the distribution system of FortisAlberta Inc.
The AUC determined that approval of the Project is in the public interest and therefore approved the applications from Rocktree, subject to conditions related to a conservation and reclamation plan for the Project, post-construction monitoring, noise control, solar glare and final equipment selection.
Applicable Legislation
Alberta Utilities Commission Act, SA 2007, c A-37 – s. 17.
Hydro and Electric Energy Act, RSA 2000, c H-16 – ss. 11 and 18.
Alberta Environment and Protected Areas – Fish and Wildlife Stewardship: Conservation and Reclamation Directive for Renewable Energy Operations.
AUC Rule 033: Post-approval Monitoring Requirements for Wind and Solar Power Plants.