Facilities – Electricity
BER Wheatcrest Solar GP Inc. (“BER”) applied to the AUC for approval to construct and operate a new 138-kilovolt one-kilometre transmission line (“Line 763AAL”) to connect the 60-megawatt Wheatcrest Solar Facility power plant (the “Solar Project”) to Transmission Line 763AL. BER also applied for permission to construct and operate the related Wheatcrest 1093S Substation.
AltaLink Management Ltd. (“AML”) applied for permission to alter its existing facilities to accommodate the connection of BER’s Line 763AAL to the Alberta Interconnected Electric System. AML requested permission to connect Line 763AAL to the existing Line 763AL along with further upgrades to related structures and facilities.
The AUC granted the approvals sought.
Relevant Legislation
Alberta Utilities Commission Act, SA 2007, c A-37.2 – s. 17.
Hydro and Electric Energy Act, RSA 2000, c H-16 – ss. 14, 15, 18, 19 and 21.
ISO Rules Section 501.3 – Abbreviated Needs Approval Process
AUC Rule 001: Rules of Practice
AUC Rule 012: Noise Control
Pertinent Issues
The AUC reviewed the applications and determined that the applications filed by BER and AML met the applicable requirements of Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines and Rule 012: Noise Control. The AUC determined that BER’s and AML’s applications are in the public interest.
BER determined that the required distances between transmission line structures may require BER to construct one structure in a Class IV wetland (“Wetland”). BER stated that the structure’s siting was not finalized pending ongoing geotechnical work. BER will make every effort to avoid placing the structure within the boundary of the Wetland. An environmental report was filed for the Solar Project. The environmental report concluded that the predicted residual effects on the environment are anticipated to be insignificant with the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures. The AUC accepted the findings of the environmental report but encouraged BER to avoid the Wetland if possible.