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Enfinite Corporation eReserve7/8 Battery Energy Storage Power Plant Project, AUC Decision 27360-D01-2022

Link to Decision Summarized

Electricity – Facilities


Enfinite Corporation (“Enfinite”) applied to construct and operate the 40-megawatt (“MW”) eReserve7/8 Battery Energy Storage Power Plant Project (the “Project”) consisting of 22 204-megavolt ampere lithium-ion battery modules from Tesla. As part of this application, Enfinite also applied to interconnect the facility to ATCO Electric Ltd.’s 25-kilovolt distribution system.


The AUC found that approval of the Project is in the public interest, as required under s. 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act. The AUC approved the application to construct and operate the Project and to connect the Project to the distribution system of ATCO Electric Ltd.

Applicable Legislation

Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines

Rule 012: Noise Control

Alberta Utilities Commission Act, SA 2007, c A-37.2 – s. 17.

Hydro and Electric Energy Act, RSA 2000, c H-16 – s. 11.

Pertinent Issues

The AUC noted its expectation that Enfinite would install a thermal imaging camera and utilize Tesla’s centralized network operations centre to monitor the Project site in real-time to mitigate the risk of fire. The AUC was satisfied that the risk to health due to gases released in a fire is further mitigated because the closest residence is approximately 300 meters away.

The AUC considered it reasonable to require Enfinite and subsequent operators to maintain adequate insurance coverage throughout the life of the Project and imposed the condition that Enfinite and any subsequent operator shall maintain insurance coverage to protect against reasonably foreseeable liabilities.

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