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Acestes Power ULC Tilley Solar Project, AUC Decision 27319-D01-2022

Link to Decision Summarized

Solar Power – Facilities


Acestes Power ULC (“Acestes”) applied to construct and operate the 23.6-megawatt Tilley Solar Project (the “Project”) and to connect the Project to FortisAlberta Inc.’s 25-kilovolt electric distribution system. The Project will be located on approximately 140 acres of privately owned formerly cultivated and now tame pasture/hay land, approximately 4.1 kilometers northeast of the hamlet of Tilley, Alberta. The Project consists of approximately 59,200 525-watt solar photovoltaic modules mounted on a single-axis tracking system, eight 3.6-megavolt-ampere inverter/transformer units, a 25-kV collection system, a fence, and internal access roads.


The AUC approved the application to construct and operate the Tilley Solar Project and to connect the Tilley Solar Project to the electric distribution system of FortisAlberta Inc. under ss. 11 and 18 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act.

Applicable Legislation

AUC Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines

AUC Rule 012: Noise Control

AUC Rule 033: Post-approval Monitoring Requirements for Wind and Solar Power Plants – s. 3(3).

Post-Construction Survey Protocols for Wind and Solar Energy Projects – s. 4.0.

Alberta Utilities Commission Act, SA 2007, c A-37.2 – s. 17.

Hydro and Electric Energy Act, RSA 2000, c H-16 – ss. 11 and 18.

Pertinent Issues

The renewable energy referral report from Alberta Environment and Parks (“AEP”) ranked the Project as a moderate risk to wildlife and wildlife habitat overall, but a high risk to breeding birds and wildlife features. Sensitive raptors, sharp-tailed grouse, and the tame pasture and native grassland surrounding the Project were specifically considered to be at high risk. Acestes proposed a number of mitigation measures. The AUC was not convinced that all of the measures would have a positive impact. The AUC directed Acestes to consult AEP on additional mitigation measures and implement those measures subject to AEP’s review and approval.

The AUC further imposed several conditions of approval to mitigate solar glare.

Acestes had not finalized the selection of equipment or layout of the Project when it filed its application. The AUC imposed a condition of approval that they must file the final Project update at least 90 days before the start of construction.

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