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Capital Power Generation Services Inc. Genesee Unit 3 Power Plant Alteration, AUC Decision 26457-D01-2021

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Electricity – Facilities

In this decision, the AUC approved the application from Capital Power Generation Services Inc. (“Capital Power”) to alter the Genesee Unit 3 Power Plant.

Capital Power applied for the alteration to allow for the construction and operation of a project for carbon capture through a letter of enquiry. The proposed alterations will include the installation of a new fuel gas inlet piping from the G3 stack to the Genesee Carbon Conversion Centre, a new 13.8-kilovolt switchgear section in the Genesee Generating Station’s existing switchgear, and installation of a new transformer. In its application, Capital Power included a participant involvement program that confirmed that there were no outstanding objections from adjacent landowners. Further, a letter from Alberta Environment and Parks was included, which confirmed that the project would not require an amendment to the Genesee Generating Station’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act approval.

AUC Findings

The AUC was satisfied that the changes were of a minor nature, would not negatively impact the environment, that no person was directly or adversely impacted and that the participant involvement program met the requirements of Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations and Hydro Developments. The AUC further found that the information provided by Capital Power regarding the need, nature, extent, land affected, land ownership, and the timing of the alterations met the requirements of Section 12 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Regulation.

The AUC approved the requested alterations and noted that a new approval of the Genesee Unit 3 Power Plant was not required.

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