Link to Bulletin Summarized 1
Link to Bulletin Summarized 2
Public Lands – Aggregate Management Plans
The Alberta Energy Regulator (“AER”) announced that the OneStop Platform will receive new functionalities. Details on enhancements and fixes will be available with implementing the new functionalities on the OneStop webpage under “Enhancements and Fixes”.
Enhanced Search (Elasticsearch) Function
Users will have greater flexibility when searching for information. The enhancements include additional filter and search fields. The enhancements aim to increase the speed and quality of the results.
The submission functionality has been enhanced to support notifications and alerts. Further, an option for interested stakeholders to receive e-mail notifications on new submission types and the ability to generate Enterprise Submissions Summary reports.
Aggregate Management Plans (Submission Type)
Disposition holders required to submit aggregate management plans (“AMPs”) or annual aggregate plan updates will be expected to submit them through OneStop after October 21, 2021.
Public Lands
Manual 018: OneStop Public Lands Application will be updated to include guidance on the application process for borrow pit dispositions issued by the AER. Further, applicants will be able to apply for amended or new surface material dispositions under the AER’s jurisdiction, including the regulator surface materials lease (“RML”), regulator surface materials license and the regulator surface materials exploration.
Applicants will be able to renew RMLs. They will also be able to provide site entry notification, no-entry cancellation notification, and plan replacement submissions for surface material dispositions.
The Master Schedule of Standards and Conditions logic in OneStop will be updated to accommodate surface material applications. Finally, related to public lands, all draft Public Lands Act applications will require updated variance information before submission if they contain variances to standards.
Well Directional Surveys
Licensees will also be able to submit directional survey data through OneStop. The AER no longer accepts directional survey PDF data submitted by e-mail.