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Alberta Electric System Operator Enterprise Solar Interconnection Project, AUC Decision 26785-D01-2021

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Facilities – Solar

In this decision, the Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC”) approved a needs identification document (“NID”) application from the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”). It further approved three of four facility applications from Enterprise Solar GP Inc. (“Enterprise”) and AltaLink Management Ltd. (“AML”) for the proposed Enterprise Solar Interconnection Project (the “Project”).


Enterprise has approval from the AUC to construct and operate a 65-megawatt (“MW”) solar power plant designated as the Enterprise Solar Project (the “Power Plant”) in the Vulcan area. The applications in this proceeding seek approval of the need for, and the facilities required, to connect the Power Plant to the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (“AIES”).

AESO NID Application

The AESO’s needs application was filed in response to Enterprise’s request for system access service to connect the Power Plant to the AIES. The AUC found that the NID application met the requirements of Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines. In accordance with subsection 38(e) of the Transmission Regulation, the AUC determined the assessment of the need to be correct and approved the NID application.

Enterprise Solar’s Facility Applications

Enterprise applied to meet the need by constructing a 35-meter-long, 138-kV transmission line to connect its approved substation to AML’s Transmission Line 161L, under the Market Participant Choice option, pursuant to section 24.31 of the Transmission Regulation.

The AUC was satisfied that Enterprise’s facility applications met all necessary requirements and approved the proposed transmission lines in accordance with Section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.

Enterprise also filed a connection application. The AUC found that as Enterprise will be the owner and operator of both the substation and the proposed transmission line, a connection order is not necessary. Enterprise would only temporarily be the owner and operator of the proposed transmission line before transferring it to AML. The AUC noted its expectation that an application for a new connection order between the transferred transmission line and the substation be applied for simultaneously with the transmission line transfer application to AML. The applied-for connection order was not granted to Enterprise.

AML’s Facility Applications

AML requested approval of alterations to existing facilities to accommodate the connection of the transmission line to the AIES.

The AUC determined that this facility application, filed under sections 14, 15, 18 and 19 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, comply with the information requirements prescribed in AUC Rule 007, and the proposed development is consistent with the need identified in the AESO’s needs application.

The AUC determined that AML’s proposed transmission developments are in the public interest, as required by Section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.


The AUC approved all applications of this proceeding, except for Enterprise Solar’s application for a connection order. As the necessary order for connection between the transmission line and substation will be issued to AML, not Enterprise Solar, the applied-for order was determined to be unnecessary.

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