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Agrium Inc. Redwater Nitrogen Operations Cogeneration Plant, AUC Decision 26825-D01-2021

Link to Decision Summarized

Cogeneration – Facilities

In this decision, the Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC”) approved an application from Agrium Inc. to construct and operate a 30-megawatt (“MW”) cogeneration power plant, the Redwater Nitrogen Operations Cogeneration Plant (the “Power Plant”), within the existing Redwater Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant, located near Redwater.


The Power Plant will include two 15 MW gas turbine generators and waste heat recovered steam production from two heat recovery steam generators. Agrium Inc. stated that the power will not be exported to the Alberta Interconnected Electric System and would stay on the internal system of the Redwater Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant.

Discussion and Findings

The AUC determined that the application met the information requirements of Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines.

Regarding noise control, the submitted noise impact assessment (“NIA”) indicated that the cumulative sound levels exceeded the permissible levels at four receptors. The minor exceedances were attributed to the fact that the corresponding baseline sound levels already exceeded the permissible sound levels. The AUC determined that the NIA demonstrated the project is expected to comply with the no-net-increase requirement for noise from new facilities in the Alberta Industrial Heartland.

The air quality assessment indicated that the 24-hour PM2.5 concentrations under the Base Case Maximum Emissions scenario and Application Case Maximum Emissions scenario exceeded the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines by 0.5 per cent. This exceedance occurred for one receptor for one day over the five-year period and indicated a maximum predicted concentration associated with the Power Plant’s emissions of less than or equal to 0.1 per cent. The AUC agreed that the Power Plant’s effect on air quality is not significant.

The AUC determined that the application is in the public interest in accordance with Section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act. Pursuant to Section 11 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, the AUC approved the application to construct and operate the Power Plant.

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