Wind Power Plant Construction – Substation and Transmission Line Construction – Transmission System Access
In this decision, the AUC approved facility applications from BHE Canada Rattlesnake G.P. Inc. (“BHE”) and AltaLink Management Ltd. (“AltaLink”). The AUC also confirmed the Alberta Electric Systems Operator’s (“AESO”) assessment of the need to be correct and approved its needs identification document (“NID”) application to provide transmission system access to the wind power project.
BHE filed applications 25018-A001 to 25018-A004, seeking approval to construct and operate a 117.6-megawatt (“MW”) wind power plant, designated as the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Power Plant. BHE further requested permits to construct and operate a collector substation, designated as the 719S Substation, and 50-meter-long Transmission Line, designated as Transmission Line 879AL. BHE also requested an order to connect the proposed power plant to AltaLink’s existing 138-kV Transmission Line 879L.
The AESO filed application 25018-A005 seeking approval of the NID to provide transmission system access to the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Power Project.
AltaLink filed applications 25018-A006 to 25018-A008 for approval to alter the existing Transmission Line 879AL to support the interconnection of the wind power project, and to construct a radio site with a telecommunications tower, designated as Rattlesnake Ridge 719R Radio Site, within the boundary of the proposed Rattlesnake Ridge 719S Substation.
The AUC considered the applications under sections 11,14,15,18 and 19 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act (“HEEA”) and section 34 of the Electric Utilities Act (“EUA”). In accordance with section 38(e) of the Transmission Regulation, the AUC noted that it must consider the AESO’s assessment of the need to be correct unless an interested person satisfies the AUC that the assessment is technically deficient, or approval is not in the public interest.
The Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Power Plant would consist of 28 Goldwind G155/4200 4.2-MW turbines with a hub height of 110 metres and a rotor diameter of 155 metres, and a 34.5-kV collector system of underground collector lines to connect the turbines to the Rattlesnake Ridge 719S Substation. Additionally, the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Power Plant would include access roads, an operations and maintenance facility, and one meteorological tower.
BHE submitted a noise impact assessment (“NIA”) that indicated the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Power Plant and the Rattlesnake Ridge 719S Substation (collectively, the “Wind Power Project”) would comply with Rule 012: Noise Control. BHE conducted a shadow flicker analysis that predicted that no receptor would experience shadow flicker in excess of 30 hours per year, with the most impacted receptor expected to experience up to 18 hours per year. It predicted that the Wind Power Project would have minimal potential for shadow flicker effects.
In response to concerns raised by parties regarding the risk of fire, BHE confirmed that it would complete an emergency response plan with the County of Forty Mile before the Wind Power Project became operational. In response to concerns raised by parties regarding impacts on rural roads, including maintenance of the roads, BHE stated it would develop a road use agreement with the County of Forty Mile.
In its NID application, the AESO indicated its preferred transmission facilities to meet the need identified included the addition of one 138-kV circuit, connecting the Wind Power Project to the existing 138-kV Transmission Line 879L. The NID application also included an alteration, addition or removal of equipment, including switchgear, and any operational, protection, control and telecommunication devices required to undertake the work as planned to ensure proper integration with the transmission system.
To meet the AESO’s identified need, BHE requested approval to construct and operate the Transmission Line 879AL, which would connect the 719S Substation to the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (“AIES”) via AltaLink’s existing Transmission Line 879L. To meet the AESO’s identified need, AltaLink requested approval to alter the existing Transmission Line 879L to support the interconnection of Transmission Line 879AL and install one 29-metre-tall telecommunications tower at the proposed Rattlesnake Ridge 719S Substation, the Rattlesnake Ridge 719R Radio Site. AltaLink and BHE applied to connect the Wind Power Project via Transmission Line 879AL to Transmission Line 879L.
Following participant involvement programs, BHE noted that there were outstanding concerns from local landowners in the area.
Environmental Impacts
BHE retained Golder to prepare an environmental evaluation for the Wind Power Project and Transmission Line 879AL, which determined that the potential effects on the environment would not be significant.
BHE submitted a renewable energy referral report issued by Alberta Environment and Parks (“AEP”) Wildlife Management. Based on the Wind Power Project’s siting, limited wildlife use in the area, and the monitoring and mitigation commitments made by BHE, AEP determined that the Wind Power Project posed an overall moderate risk to wildlife and wildlife habitat.
AEP determined that the Wind Power Project’s bat mortality risk during operation would be high based on the extremely high bat activity recorded in the survey results from the wind power project area. AEP noted that BHE committed to implementing the required mitigations to reduce the overall risk of bat mortality to acceptable levels; however, AEP acknowledged that extreme mitigations may be required depending on the results of the post-construction monitoring to reduce the mortality rate to acceptable levels.
The AUC found that the noise impacts associated with the Wind Power Project were mitigated to an acceptable degree and that shadow flicker effects will be minimal. The AUC further acknowledged BHE’s commitments regarding the development of a road use agreement and the development of an emergency response plan in consultation with the County of Forty Mile.
Environmental Impacts
The AUC acknowledged that the Wind Power Project and Transmission Line 879AL would be located to avoid native habitat and wetlands. The AUC was satisfied that BHE’s post-construction monitoring plan would adequately address potential environmental impacts of the wind power project and was aligned with post-construction wildlife requirements set out in the Wildlife Directive for Alberta Wind Energy Projects and in the referral report.
BHE acknowledged the high level of bat activity in the Wind Power Project area and the identified risk to migratory bats from the operation of the wind power project and expressed its willingness to implement mitigation beyond those outlined by AEP in the referral report to address the risk to bats.
To ensure compliance with Rule 033: Post-Approval Monitoring Requirements for Wind and Solar Power Plants, as a condition of the approval of the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Power Plant, the AUC directed BHE to submit an annual post-construction monitoring survey report to AEP and the AUC within 13 months of the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Power Plant becoming operational, and on or before the same date every subsequent year.
The AUC was satisfied that with the application of BHE’s mitigation measures, post-construction monitoring, and implementation of any additional mitigation measures as directed by AEP, the potential environmental effects from the Wind Power Project facilities can be adequately mitigated. The AUC also found that approval of the preferred substation location is in the public interest in that it better mitigates the impacts to the affected landowners.
Subject to the imposed condition, the AUC considered the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Power Plant to be in the public interest in accordance with section 17 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act.
The AUC approved the AESO’s NID application, and found that the application from BHE and AltaLink for Transmission Line 879AL and Transmission Line 879L addressed the need identified by the AESO. The AUC found that BHE and AltaLink’s asset transfer agreement for Transmission Line 879AL met the requirements of section 24.31 of the Transmission Regulation and expected BHE and AltaLink to file an ownership transfer application, and a letter of enquiry to amend the connection order, at the earliest opportunity after energization of the Wind Power Project.