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AESO Approval of Proposed Amended ISO Rules and Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary Terms and Conditions, AUC Decision 25688-D01-2020

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Administrative Changes

In this decision, the AUC approved changes to the Independent System Operator (“ISO”) rules and Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (“CADG”) terms and conditions (collectively the “Administrative Changes”) proposed by the AESO.


Suncor Energy Inc. submitted a statement of intent to participate (“SIP”) expressing its view that the omission of the older consultation record rendered the AESO’s application incomplete and out of compliance with AUC Rule 017: Procedure and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing ISO Rules with the Alberta Utilities Commission. The AUC issued a ruling denying the request for the inclusion of the older consultation record.

Legislative and Regulatory Framework

Section 20.9 of the Electric Utilities Act (“EUA”) requires the AUC to make rules requiring the AESO to consult with parties in the development of ISO rules and permits the AUC to develop rules governing the AESO’s process in the development of those rules. AUC Rule 017 was created in response to Section 20.9 of the EUA.


The proposed administrative updates contain Administrative Changes, reflecting requirements and clarifications related to the energy-only market, ensuring alignment with other ISO rules and definitions, removing obsolete requirements, and aligning defined terms with the amendments to applicable defined terms in the EUA.


The AUC was satisfied that the application met the requirements of Section 20.21(2) of the EUA and that the AESO complied with the requirements set out in Rule 017. Accordingly, the AUC approved the proposed administrative updates to the following ISO Rules and CADG terms and conditions.






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