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Tracking and Reporting the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Utility Operations, Costs and Revenues, AUC Bulletin 2020-18

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Bulletin – COVID 19 Impact – Tracking and Reporting

In a letter to the AUC, the Consumers’ Coalition of Alberta (“CCA”) requested that the AUC direct regulated utilities to record and eventually report on current and ongoing decisions, positions and actions due to the impact of COVID-19 relating to the following:

(a)     any unique or material changes to staffing plans;

(b)     what unit or other costs, if any, are expected to or will uniquely or materially change, as a result of continuing operations, and what costs related to operations or capital can or are being suspended, deferred or cancelled;

(c)      plans for acceleration, continuation, deferral or cancellation of capital construction;

(d)     reports on impacts to overall returns;

(e)     reporting on efforts undertaken to engage with the other utilities and entities such as customers, the government or the Alberta Electric System Operator, where necessary, to obtain input on the suspension, deferral or cancellation of projects; and

(f)       a list of mandatory and more discretionary or optional projects and work activities.

The AUC asked that any stakeholder wishing to comment, do so through the AUC’s Engage platform by Wednesday, May 20, 2020.

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